El boom de los pósters cinematográficos de la mano de “Strangers Things” - Tienda Pasquín

The boom in movie posters thanks to “Strangers Things”

Works of art that are also sensitive summaries that seek to summarize a filmed story without spoilers. Movie posters and posters are a cult that today you can hang not only in your teenage room but also in the living room of your house. It is a meaningful decoration that enjoys a freedom that advertising imagery sometimes does not have.

Poster o cartel, su historia se escribe hace mucho mucho tiempo - Tienda Pasquín

Poster or poster, its history was written a long long time ago

When did they leave? Who first thought of sticking one on a wall with the idea of ​​delivering a message? It is assumed that the electoral propaganda poster found in the remains of Pompeii and preserved in very good condition due to the effect of the eruption of Vesuvius, is considered one of the first posters in history.

Tienda Pasquín